PipeShark Recently Attended a 2 Day Training on New Pipe Lining Equipment in VA

Trenchless pipe repair and trenchless pipe replacement are relatively new industries as plumbing goes. Pipe lining and pipe bursting are two trenchless technologies which make it possible to fix a broken sewer line or a broken drain line without digging the whole pipe up. Pipe lining technology (also called “cured in place piping” or “CIPP” is evolving as manufacturers develop different lining felts or fiberglass lining and different epoxies and resins to meet challenges typically found in trenchless sewer repair. To keep on top of these changes a plumbing company needs to be pretty involved in the trenchless industry, or they will soon be left behind. Pipeshark recently attended a national show focused on sewer lines, drain lines, and all facets of their repair, maintenance and installation. Some of the changes on display included new pipe lining materials and installation equipment. Pipeshark followed up this expo with further equipment reviews and then committed to make a significant purchase of new pipe lining installation equipment from Maxliner. This new equipment uses lower air pressures to install pipe liners slowly so more epoxy is carried onto the piping. Then a portable boiler and pump system circulates hot water through the pipe lining to cure the epoxy quicker and with more certainty. That all translates to a better pipe lining job with less down time for the client.

Pipeshark travelled to Maxliner’s facilities in Southern Virginia to spend two days March 18-19th learning how to use their pipe lining materials and equipment to produce consistently good results. Included in the training were practices to ensure the safety of Pipeshark personnel as well as the safety of their clients. Pipeshark is committed to ongoing training such as this to make sure they stay at the forefront of the trenchless industry.